Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Maria Ocheja Blog: Do Not Call My Name.

Maria Ocheja Blog: Do Not Call My Name.: Reading through the two main meanings of Respect from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; the first one says: a feeling of ad...

Do Not Call My Name.

Respect, here is one thing I am sure that respect is not. It is not bum-licking, honey-dicking or ass-kissing, it is not face-to-face pretence and back stabbing or name calling in the absence of whom the said ‘Respect is due’. Respect is not hyping or washing or massaging of anyone’s ego. Respect is not demanding or gaining bragging rights. Respect has no business with pretence or forming, it exudes genuineness and exudes it all. Respect is two sided; as they always say, it is reciprocal. To cut this long explanation short, it is not an authoritarian or top to bottom ruling system.  Read More...