Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I Want To Leave Nigeria.

At the point I became aware of a retentive memory, I had always prayed during morning devotions that I wanted to be out of Nigeria, just like an up-coming artist sees their place or future above the stars; I saw my future in countries of the West. Leaving Nigeria came before thanking God for giving me life. It sounds terrible now but at that young age, I was right in my every thought. When I watched cartoons and listened to songs from the West, I could only see magic and more paradise and perfection. The staples upon my eyeballs were indeed surreal.Read more...

Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Racist Ebola Rap Song.

A friend of mine just sent this to me with so much anger and disgust at the racism and disrespect embedded in this song. Whether this guy is trying to be funny, creative or cute, he needs small beating.


Words once said cannot be taken back or withdrawn, here is a simple short piece I have written for my man this this valentine's day, may the inspiration also find you to appreciate that special someone today. Happy Valentine's Day. Read more...

Friday, 13 February 2015

Sex Slave: Ungrateful? Or Lucky? (Who Is Telling the Lies: Royals? Or Commoners?)

“I had sex with him three times, including one orgy, I knew he was a member of the British royal family, but I just called him “Andy” says Virginia Roberts; a young lady who allegedly claims to have been sleeping with the Duke of York, Prince Andrew while she was a minor. These acts she claims was powered by multimillionaire financier; Jeffrey Epstein. Prince Andrew is the younger Brother to the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles who is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth the II Read more...

Meet Girls 2


Ta fi su in Hausa means she is more than them. She is more than them in beauty, class, wealth, long hair… I mean, you just keep counting her blessings and they don’t stop. Turrayah Bayero-Sanusi indelibly had this nickname stuck to her right from when she was a child and people might just be right when they say “name dey follow person”. Her nickname has not only followed her but has made her stand out from her given name which she shares with too many people Read more...

Thursday, 12 February 2015


There is always one thing or somethings that we all are afraid of, something that we dread or some people that we just do not want to see or have any form of encounter with. My tutor once told me that for you to tremble or fear something, that thing has total power, control or authority over you. I have a couple of things I am afraid of, so today, I have decided to use the genre, poetry to speak to fear. You can speak to fear in different forms: confidence, prayer, meditation, love, hope and many other abstracts... violence, fights or any form of physical force cannot send fear on exile or eradicate it. Chose one form, command fear today! Read more...

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Skinny? Curvy? Fat? Indifferent? -Shape for Your Ideal Woman.

One Man's meat they say, is another man's poison. When I was a child, I had the false sense of reasoning that the thinner I was, the more attractive I looked and when I saw people who were on the Big side, I had too much pity for them. By big side, I mean the actual big side and curvy as well. They looked strange to me and I didn't realise that I was the strange one Read more...

Meet Girls

Are we in search of real love? Or are we here for the money? Or is it that we do not know sef!!!
There are three girls I would love you to meet right now. The beauty with some class wanna-be debutante/socialite, Gloria. She can be likened to a cat, she wants a guy to take her out, she doesn’t want to stress too much in life- N to the O she doesn’t want to hustle at all. Her motto about love; when love comes, it comes and in whatever form, she really doesn’t care. Meet Turrayah, the girl with the brains, beauty and bourgeosie parents. Harvard graduate whose life is too good to be true but it’s true and to think that she thinks she is struggling is innocent and rather cute. Lastly, meet Sophie, the Miss Duck; hustling and strifing hard enough, taking care of herself and in search of very true love. Sophie has a boyfriend presently but still in doubt if he is the one or not and this leads her to emit attitudes that chase her adorable semi-hustling boo away sometimes and most times, he finds his way back to her life; sometimes Read more...