Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Utopia: If I Had the Magic In Me.

Imagine you could make someone you dislike turn to ‘a million pounds’,
Or turn someone you love into a Baby or your favourite flower when they upset you.
What if you could beat someone up when you see them maltreating people but you move not an inch from where your physical body is initially positioned?Read More...

Monday, 2 March 2015

Meet Girls 3

Are we in search of real love? Or are we here for the money? Or is it that we do not know sef!!! You have met Gloria and Turrayah right? So I needed to get my facts right about Sophie.  I summarily gave an insight as to who Sophie was when I described her as: ‘the Miss Duck’ a diva (female version of a hustler) one who is striving hard and taking care of life and is in search of very true love. Sophie has a boyfriend presently but still in doubt if he is THE ONE or not and this leads her to emit attitudes that chase her adorable semi-hustling boyfriend away sometimes; her attitude drives him nuts from time to time and most times, he finds his way back to her life; sometimes, I believe he is too nice for her (a bit jealous).Read more...

Sunday, 1 March 2015

My Salary, My School Fees.

This article is not faith or religion based but before I go all lengthy, I would love to take an excerpt from the Holy Book: the Bible. I checked out Jer. 22:13 and it says: “Woe unto them that buildeth his house by unrighteousness and his chambers by wrong that useth his neighbour’s services without wages and giveth him not for his work”. I further looked up the meaning of the word ‘Woe’ from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English to make my idea green of what the word meant and it gave me four meanings but I will highlight only one which says: ‘literary great sadness’. Now, various things can cause great sadness: it could be death in life or progressive business or the loss of anything generally; I mean a host of diverse things in life could cause great sadness. Mark the word-Great.Read more...